Hi, I'm Xueting Li

Inspired by the discovery of people's unmet needs &
propose data-driven hypothesis, to create delightful experiences
UX Researcher & Designer | MHCI Graduate, Carnegie Mellon University
Rebrand Zazzle as a creative platform
Introducing a brainstorming tool to facilitate creation process and reorganizing web structure to motivate engagement

UX Research Lead | Strategy | UI & Visual Design

Curating conversation through news
Helping people broaden their horizon of new consumption and embrace different perspectives by engaging in small-group discussion

UI Design | UX Research | Social Web

Making the C-Store more convenient
Applying the techniques of service design to offer Sheetz an innovative VUI solution to provide hands-free ordering service

UX Research | Service Design | Voice User Interface

Encouraging public art engagement
Leveraging Interactive AR technology to increase Pittsburgh public art engagement

UX Research | UI Design | AR

© 2020 Designed by Xueting Li